Friday, April 1, 2011

Chapter 10

1. What are your earliest recollections of books? Do you read for pleasure? If yes, what kinds of books do you enjoy? Why?

When I was in elementary school we used to have library days. We would go to the library and sit in the reading circle and the librarian or our teach would read us a book and then we would go to our tables and sit quietly until the teacher picked our table. Once our table was picked we could go and look for two books to check out. One of my favorite books when I was a little girl was rainbow fish. It taught the importance of sharing with others. The colors on every page just drew me into the story even more.Im not an avid reader. I don't always have a book in my hand but I do like to read certain types of books. I love romance novels and I also love to read crime and mystery novels. They keep me on the edge and wanting to read more.

2. Would you read on an Ipod or a kindle? Why or why not?

I personally would not read off of an i-pod or a kindle. I really don't like to sit there and read something off of a screen because my eyes will start to blur and then I get a headache and once I get a headache I am done with reading. I just prefer to hold a book in my hand and read it because there is just something about holding that book and then its easier to save your place if you need to stop for any reason. I cant even sit there and read something off of my phone for long periods of time without having to blink like 30 times and look away so that I can get my focus back.