Friday, March 11, 2011

Chapter 9

1. What are your earliest recollections of magazines? Which magazines do you read regularly today? Why?

When I was younger I used to read Teen magazine. I loved to buy them and see whats the celebrities my age were doing these days. Reading the stories was entertainging becasue when your a teenager you don't really find a magazine that you can read and fully relate to. My favorite part of the magazine was reading the embarassing stories that people would put in there. I dont really read magazines today, but one I will pick up is Cosmo. It is a very interesting magazine and I find a lot of the material in it amusing and humorous.

4. Do you think Internet will eventually displace magazines? Why or why not?

I personally do not believe that internet will replace magazines. Like I said in my last blog about newspapers being replaced, a magazine is portable and can be taken anywhere to read. Of course now a days pretty much anyone can get the internet on their phone, but its still no the same as having that magazine in your hand. Plus, you dont always have coverage for the internet and who wants to sit there and read something on a small screen on there phone when they can pick up a magazine and hold it in there hands and read it.

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