Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Chapter 13

1. Are you exposed to popular culture from other countries? Why or why not? Give examples.

I personally do not feel that I am exposed to popular cultures from other countries. I don’t read a lot of stuff on other countries. Usually all I hear or read about has to do with our country and its culture. I mean I have been exposed to other countries such as all the talk about the recent Royal Wedding and I watched some specials on it. They kind of gave me an inside look on how a royal wedding goes down and what is appropriate and what is not appropriate. Just last night I was watching a show about the fashion at the wedding and someone said it was pretty much disrespectful for the prime minister's wife not to wear a hat to the ceremony. I find that quite weird because it is not often that you see anyone wearing a hat to anything here in the United States. I personally only know about my own culture which sounds bad because we should all know a little something about the countries around us. That is something I need to work on.

2. Do you read international news? Why or why not?

I do not read international news because the only news I really am exposed to is what I see on the internet or in newspapers. I usually don’t read anything except for sports or something that I am interested in. If the title doesn’t get my attention I am not going to read it. I have read some international news such as all the recent talk about Osama bin Laden's death and everything but that is only because it is pretty much EVERYWHERE and there is no escaping it. I am personally not a news kind of person. I don’t sit down to watch the news and the only time I really see anything it when it pops up on my twitter feed or on my yahoo home page.

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