Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Chapter 15

1.What are your main concerns or criticisms about the state of media studies at your college or university?

I personally do not have anything negative to say about the media studies here at LR. I fell in love with my Communications class. When I first signed up for the class I thought it was going to be just another boring class but my teacher made it interesting and I have learned a lot. One of my really good friends is a Communications major and she always has wonderful things to say about her classes. I personally think that everyone should have to take at least one media class while they are in college. I think it is important to know the history and the future of our media.

3. Can you think of an issue that the media industry and academic researchers could study together? Explain.

I believe they could study children's behavior and see of the fact that they are exposed to violent material makes them become more violent. This study has been done many of times. In class we talked about the groups of children that were exposed to the violent material and then there was a group of children that wasn’t and these children were placed in a room with Bobo the clown and the ones who were exposed to the violence were the ones that were just literally beating the crap out of Bobo the clown. In the book there is even a photo of this sweet looking little girl and she is just going crazy on poor Bobo. That kind of study is where the media and academic researchers can work together.

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