Friday, February 11, 2011

Chapter 5

1. Describe your earliest memories of watching TV. What was your favorite show? Which shows did your family watch together? Were there shows that you were not allowed to watch? Which ones and why?

I remember when I was little I loved to watch anything that came on the Disney Channel. Lizzie McGuire was one of my all time favorite Disney Channel shows. The problems that she faced were not too crazy and she was an all around cool character. I was super excited when they came out with the movie. There was one show that topped any other show on TV and that was Boy Meets World. My sister and I would watch that show every time it was on TV. It was funny and entertaining to watch. We always said if Eric Matthews was not on that show it just wouldn't be as great. As long as I can remember my family and I have always watch American Idol together. I wasn't a small child when it started coming on but I was young. We loved to watch the auditions and laugh at the ones who were just plain awful. We would always pick our favorites and we would call in an vote for them. Now we still watch American Idol, but we also love to watch So you Think You Can Dance and Dancing With the Stars. My mom never told me that I wasn't allowed to watch a certain show but we knew not to watch anything too crazy. One show I never watched was South Park. I personally didn't find it appealing to me and I knew my mom wouldn't be okay with me or my siblings watching it.

2. How much TV do you watch today? Which programs do you try to watch regularly? What attracts you to your favorite programs?

I would say that I watch maybe 2 or 3 hours of TV a day. I really don't watch it much anymore because I am always busy. I do try to watch my favorite shows regularly. I love to watch Glee, One Tree Hill, and The Game. Those are my all time favorite shows. Comedy and Drama are what attract me to my favorite shows. One Tree Hill is a drama about a group of friends. I have watched them grow up and get married in the past few years. Anytime its on my eyes are glued to the TV. The Game is a kind of sports drama. The main characters are football players and their wives. It is a funny show and some of the main characters are super hot. I don't think i am shallow but i do watch shows that tend to have good looking people in them, but they don't all have to be good looking. I just like to have something to look at. I watch Glee because its has singing in it. I am a sucker for any kind of musical and this combines high school drama with music.

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