Thursday, January 27, 2011

Chapter 4

Describe your earliest memories of listening to radio. Do you remember a favorite song? How old were you? Do you remember the stations call letters? Why did you listen?

When I was little we used to always listen to John Boy and Billy's Big Show. We used to listen to it every morning on the way to school. My mom loved them and it was always a good way to get a laugh in before a long day at school and it always kept us very quiet and my mom loved that. I don't remember the call letters from the station. When we weren't listening to John Boy and Billy we were listening to Kiss 95.1. This was when were in the mood for listening to music that we, the kids, actually knew. My mom always complained when we would listen to that and she would try to turn it, but we would always out vote her and turn it back because she could listen to whatever she wanted to when we got out at school.

How might radio be used to improve social and political discussions in the United States?

Talk shows are used to express political opinions. On the talk shows they usually do not endorse one politician over the other because of the fear of losing listeners who may not agree so they try to make everyone happy and give both sides. Some will take in call-ins and ask them about their opinions on politics. This way they can get other's opinions on certain issues. This spices things up and the listeners get the opinions of their fellow listeners instead of just the talk show host. I am not a fan of any talk shows that discuss politics. I am personally not into politics like that. I know that I should be but I just don’t get excited about politicians and listening to them bash their opponents or making promises that they most likely won’t keep.

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