Thursday, January 27, 2011

Chapter 3

Who was your first favorite group or singer? How old were you at the time? What was important to you about this music?

My first favorite group was N'Sync. I loved those boys more than anything in the world. I thought they were the hottest and coolest guys ever. swore up and down that one day i was going to marry Justin Timberlake or Lance Bass. But since Lance has openly came out of the closet and said he was gay I won’t be marrying him anytime soon. I thought they were super cute and their songs were so hot. I loved to sit and just listen to their songs. I was around 8 or 9 years old. The music was very catchy and I think I liked it because the music was catchy and upbeat. My favorite song that they came out with was Bye, Bye, Bye. That was the hottest song. I knew the dance and all the words to the song. I actually knew all the words to most of their songs. I remember I had an N’Sync t-shirt that I wore at least one a week. It had their picture on it and when I didn’t wear it I used to love to just stare at it. I remember after my mom had washed it so much their faces started to fade and stretch out. My mom finally made me throw it away and I was devastated.

If you ran a noncommercial campus radio station, what kind of music would you play and why?

If I had the opportunity to run a noncommercial radio station I would try to make sure that everyone is happy and that everyone gets to listen to what they want to. I would probably start out by polling the students on campus and asking them what types of music they like. I understand that I would get a ton of different answers and I would try to make everyone happy and get all of the peoples choices played. I would have a day devoted to certain types of music and I would also have a request line to make sure that everyone gets a chance to hear what they want. I would also even leave it open for up and coming bands to bring me a demo and I would play it on the air and get the public's opinion on the music.

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