Friday, January 21, 2011

Chapter 1

11. Using music or television as an example, identify a performer or program you once liked but grew away from as you got older and your tastes changed. Why do you think this happened? Do you think your early interests in popular music or television have had an impact on shaping your identity?
When i was younger I was in love with Aaron Carter. His songs were so catchy and he was super cute I remember anytime he was on TV I had to watch it. I owned all of his CDs. I even used to dream that one day I would meet him and he would fall madly in love with me, I know its pretty silly, but a girl can dream cant she? I guess you could say I had a little bit of an obsession. I remember he guest starred on The Lizzie McGuire Show and I recorded it so I could watch it over and over again. In the show he kisses Hilary Duff and I remember thinking that I wished I was her so I could kiss Aaron Carter. As I got older I grew away from him for one because he pretty much stopped making music and I also found myself liking a different type of music. Then all of the sudden this super cute young star just became normal to me. I no longer thought he was the hottest guy in the world. I set my sites on someone else. I believe that as I aged I started to like more mature celebrities and my music taste became more mature. To this day my celeb hottie is George Strait. I know he is old but he makes amazing music and I think he is very good looking. I think one of the main reasons I started liking George Strait is because my mom is in love with him. We were always listening to his music and watching his movie Pure Country. We even recently went to one of his concerts in Charlotte, NC. we had the best time in the world just listening to him sing. I think that my earlier interest helped to keep me "kid-like". I do enjoy listening to an Aaron Carter CD every now and then but not like I used to. To this day i still believe that I still have some kid in me because I love to just let loose and be a kid, that's probably why I have such great chemistry with younger children. My early tastes helped me to keep the kid in me so that I can just pull it out every now and then and have fun.

13. Pick and example of popular media product that you think is harmful to children. How would you make your concerns known? Should the product be removed from circulation? Why or why not? If you think the product should be banned, how would you do it?
A TV show that i personally never got into was South Park. I remember as a child I loved to watch cartoon. One day i was flipping through the channels and I came across a show that looked like it would be funny. The characters were funny-looking and said some funny stuff. But after five minutes of watching the show I decided this was not the show for me. the kids in the show were cussing and displaying violent behavior. I don't believe this show should be in circulation because any child had the chance to to watch it because they will be fooled by the cartoon aspect of the show. This show teaches children vulgar language and inappropriate behavior and the minds of the younger generation are very impressionable. I believe if children watch this show they may begin to mimic the actions of these cartoon characters and that will not be good for them. I strongly believe this show should be banned because of the misleading cartoon aspect and the inappropriate material in the show. In order to get this done I would start by writing a letter to Cartoon Network stating my opinion and asking them to remove it from their network. I would start a petition and get as many people as I could to sign it to try and get it banned from television.

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