Friday, January 21, 2011

Chapter 2

What was your first encounter with the Internet like? How did it compare with your first encounters with other mass media?
I don't really remember the first time I used the Internet. I do remember being in school and going to computer class and I was so excited. That was my favorite class. I do remember when we first got to start using the Internet. It made me feel like such a big kid because you had to be in a certain grade before the teacher would even let you click on the icon. I just loved being able to go on their and play games just like my big brother and sister would do. I wanted to be just like them. So when I started to get to use the Internet I thought I was a big kid. I couldn't wait to get on the Internet. This was a big part of my life. I always had TV and radio in my life but when it came time that I could use the Internet I just felt like a top dog. Now its a part of my everyday life, but I cant tell you what I would do without it.

What possibilities of the Internet future are you most excited about? Why? What possibilities are most troubling? Why?
The Internet improves every year. I am very much excited about these new ways to chat with people such as Skype and Oovoo. I love the fact that I can Skype with my friends who live hours away from me like its no problem. I love to be able to look at them and just have a conversation. Its totally better than talking on the phone. I love how I can get Internet on my cell phone. I can have Internet anywhere I go as long as I have service. It just makes things limitless. One disadvantage I have about the Internet is the fact that it is so addicting. I do believe younger kids are becoming to caught up with things on the Internet. In my opinion they are becoming lazy because they can do everything on the web and get any kind of information off of it. That is another dislike. Unless you have some kind of block a child or anyone can look up virtually anything they wanted to and that could become a problem for future generations.

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