Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Chapter 16

4. Who is Judith Miller? Should the United States have a federal shield law to protect reporters?

Judith Miller was a reporter for the New York Times who did a lot of coverage on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. A lot of her stories were proved to be false and inaccurate. She was sentenced to jail because she disclosed information revealing that Valerie Plame was a CIA agent. She would not reveal her sources and claimed reporter's privilege. I do believe that reporters should have some kind of protection. A good reporter would never reveal their sources to anyone because they won’t to be the best. I do believe that if what they have reported can put someone in danger than they deserve to be punished and the person who is giving out that information should be punished as well.

5. What do you think of the current movie rating system? Why or why not?

The current movie rating system is not bad. I mean they take the time to really evaluate what an age appropriate movie is. They understand that some content is not fit for all people. Such as a pg-13 rating shows parents and children the content may not be appropriate for a child under the age of 13. I personally think that anything that has any kind of full frontal nudity of a man or woman should be in the same rating. I mean how is it that a movie with naked women could be considered rated R but if u can see the whole frontal image of a naked man than it has to be rated X. If the audience is mature enough to see a naked woman than they should be mature enough to handle seeing a naked man. Other than that I believe the rating system is great and it works very well.

Chapter 15

1.What are your main concerns or criticisms about the state of media studies at your college or university?

I personally do not have anything negative to say about the media studies here at LR. I fell in love with my Communications class. When I first signed up for the class I thought it was going to be just another boring class but my teacher made it interesting and I have learned a lot. One of my really good friends is a Communications major and she always has wonderful things to say about her classes. I personally think that everyone should have to take at least one media class while they are in college. I think it is important to know the history and the future of our media.

3. Can you think of an issue that the media industry and academic researchers could study together? Explain.

I believe they could study children's behavior and see of the fact that they are exposed to violent material makes them become more violent. This study has been done many of times. In class we talked about the groups of children that were exposed to the violent material and then there was a group of children that wasn’t and these children were placed in a room with Bobo the clown and the ones who were exposed to the violence were the ones that were just literally beating the crap out of Bobo the clown. In the book there is even a photo of this sweet looking little girl and she is just going crazy on poor Bobo. That kind of study is where the media and academic researchers can work together.

Chapter 13

1. Are you exposed to popular culture from other countries? Why or why not? Give examples.

I personally do not feel that I am exposed to popular cultures from other countries. I don’t read a lot of stuff on other countries. Usually all I hear or read about has to do with our country and its culture. I mean I have been exposed to other countries such as all the talk about the recent Royal Wedding and I watched some specials on it. They kind of gave me an inside look on how a royal wedding goes down and what is appropriate and what is not appropriate. Just last night I was watching a show about the fashion at the wedding and someone said it was pretty much disrespectful for the prime minister's wife not to wear a hat to the ceremony. I find that quite weird because it is not often that you see anyone wearing a hat to anything here in the United States. I personally only know about my own culture which sounds bad because we should all know a little something about the countries around us. That is something I need to work on.

2. Do you read international news? Why or why not?

I do not read international news because the only news I really am exposed to is what I see on the internet or in newspapers. I usually don’t read anything except for sports or something that I am interested in. If the title doesn’t get my attention I am not going to read it. I have read some international news such as all the recent talk about Osama bin Laden's death and everything but that is only because it is pretty much EVERYWHERE and there is no escaping it. I am personally not a news kind of person. I don’t sit down to watch the news and the only time I really see anything it when it pops up on my twitter feed or on my yahoo home page.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Chapter 10

1. What are your earliest recollections of books? Do you read for pleasure? If yes, what kinds of books do you enjoy? Why?

When I was in elementary school we used to have library days. We would go to the library and sit in the reading circle and the librarian or our teach would read us a book and then we would go to our tables and sit quietly until the teacher picked our table. Once our table was picked we could go and look for two books to check out. One of my favorite books when I was a little girl was rainbow fish. It taught the importance of sharing with others. The colors on every page just drew me into the story even more.Im not an avid reader. I don't always have a book in my hand but I do like to read certain types of books. I love romance novels and I also love to read crime and mystery novels. They keep me on the edge and wanting to read more.

2. Would you read on an Ipod or a kindle? Why or why not?

I personally would not read off of an i-pod or a kindle. I really don't like to sit there and read something off of a screen because my eyes will start to blur and then I get a headache and once I get a headache I am done with reading. I just prefer to hold a book in my hand and read it because there is just something about holding that book and then its easier to save your place if you need to stop for any reason. I cant even sit there and read something off of my phone for long periods of time without having to blink like 30 times and look away so that I can get my focus back.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Chapter 9

1. What are your earliest recollections of magazines? Which magazines do you read regularly today? Why?

When I was younger I used to read Teen magazine. I loved to buy them and see whats the celebrities my age were doing these days. Reading the stories was entertainging becasue when your a teenager you don't really find a magazine that you can read and fully relate to. My favorite part of the magazine was reading the embarassing stories that people would put in there. I dont really read magazines today, but one I will pick up is Cosmo. It is a very interesting magazine and I find a lot of the material in it amusing and humorous.

4. Do you think Internet will eventually displace magazines? Why or why not?

I personally do not believe that internet will replace magazines. Like I said in my last blog about newspapers being replaced, a magazine is portable and can be taken anywhere to read. Of course now a days pretty much anyone can get the internet on their phone, but its still no the same as having that magazine in your hand. Plus, you dont always have coverage for the internet and who wants to sit there and read something on a small screen on there phone when they can pick up a magazine and hold it in there hands and read it.

Chapter 8

1. What kinds of stories, topics or issues are not being covered well by mainstream papers?

I think that mainstream papers only try to capture the attention of the older population. The only section that I personally reach for in the sports sectgion and that is because I know that those stories will be more apealing to me. I dont get into most of the stories in the newspaper. So i think that maybe they should start trying to publish more stories that a younger generation would want to hear about. Everyone is always saying that the youth has no idea what is goin on in the world. That is because we dont even attempt to pick up a paper becasue we know there is probably nothing in there that we care about.

3. Will blogs and other internet news services eventually replace newspapers? Explain your response.

I personally dont believe that they will replace them. Sure everyone loves to be on the computer and they read the news on the computer but it doesnt beat the fact that you can read a newspaper anywhere becasue you can take it anywhere you want. Normally people dont just carry about their computers and pull them out and start reading. The fact that the newspaper is lightweight and portable ispart of the reason that I believe blogs or other internet news services will not replace newspapers.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Chapter 7

Do you remember seeing a movie you were not allowed to see? Discuss the experience.

When I was a little girl and even now I find it hard to make it through a horror film. As a child if I even watched part of a scary movie I couldn't sleep by myself. So i would always end up in the bed with my mom. I remember going to stay the night with my cousins one night and my mom over heard my cousin say lets watch Scream tonight. I always envied my cousin because she was older than me and I didn't want her to know I was too scared to watch it so I said okay. My mom quickly came in there and said I was not aloud to watch it because I would be up for days. When my mom left we went into my cousin's room and we turned it on, always being sure not to let it get too loud because we didn't want to get in trouble. I thought that was the scariest movie. My cousin just laughed at me through the whole entire movie. I pretty much watched the whole movie with my head in the pillow. That night I couldn't sleep at all and when I went home the next day I just cried to my mom about how horrible and scary that movie was. I had to sleep with her for a few days.

How often do you go to the movie theaters today? How often do you play DVDs on a television at home, or watch movies on a computer? Which experience do you prefer and why?

My friend JP and I use to go to the movies at least once a week. There was always a movie that he wanted to see so he would drag me along with him. We don't go quite as much now because we are always so busy with school and he is always busy at work. I am always watching movies in my room. It doesn't matter if they are old or new. I hardly watch TV unless one of my shows are on. I don't normally watch movies on my computer because the screen is so small and i can never get in a good position to watch a movie because I gotta hold it and make sure it is still on the charger. My preference really depends on the movie. If it a new movie and I cant wait to see it then i will go to the movies and watch it. But I think maybe I do prefer to see a movie at home because then I can be as loud as I want and if I need to do something I can always pause it and come back and then I don't have to miss anything.