Thursday, January 27, 2011

Chapter 4

Describe your earliest memories of listening to radio. Do you remember a favorite song? How old were you? Do you remember the stations call letters? Why did you listen?

When I was little we used to always listen to John Boy and Billy's Big Show. We used to listen to it every morning on the way to school. My mom loved them and it was always a good way to get a laugh in before a long day at school and it always kept us very quiet and my mom loved that. I don't remember the call letters from the station. When we weren't listening to John Boy and Billy we were listening to Kiss 95.1. This was when were in the mood for listening to music that we, the kids, actually knew. My mom always complained when we would listen to that and she would try to turn it, but we would always out vote her and turn it back because she could listen to whatever she wanted to when we got out at school.

How might radio be used to improve social and political discussions in the United States?

Talk shows are used to express political opinions. On the talk shows they usually do not endorse one politician over the other because of the fear of losing listeners who may not agree so they try to make everyone happy and give both sides. Some will take in call-ins and ask them about their opinions on politics. This way they can get other's opinions on certain issues. This spices things up and the listeners get the opinions of their fellow listeners instead of just the talk show host. I am not a fan of any talk shows that discuss politics. I am personally not into politics like that. I know that I should be but I just don’t get excited about politicians and listening to them bash their opponents or making promises that they most likely won’t keep.

Chapter 3

Who was your first favorite group or singer? How old were you at the time? What was important to you about this music?

My first favorite group was N'Sync. I loved those boys more than anything in the world. I thought they were the hottest and coolest guys ever. swore up and down that one day i was going to marry Justin Timberlake or Lance Bass. But since Lance has openly came out of the closet and said he was gay I won’t be marrying him anytime soon. I thought they were super cute and their songs were so hot. I loved to sit and just listen to their songs. I was around 8 or 9 years old. The music was very catchy and I think I liked it because the music was catchy and upbeat. My favorite song that they came out with was Bye, Bye, Bye. That was the hottest song. I knew the dance and all the words to the song. I actually knew all the words to most of their songs. I remember I had an N’Sync t-shirt that I wore at least one a week. It had their picture on it and when I didn’t wear it I used to love to just stare at it. I remember after my mom had washed it so much their faces started to fade and stretch out. My mom finally made me throw it away and I was devastated.

If you ran a noncommercial campus radio station, what kind of music would you play and why?

If I had the opportunity to run a noncommercial radio station I would try to make sure that everyone is happy and that everyone gets to listen to what they want to. I would probably start out by polling the students on campus and asking them what types of music they like. I understand that I would get a ton of different answers and I would try to make everyone happy and get all of the peoples choices played. I would have a day devoted to certain types of music and I would also have a request line to make sure that everyone gets a chance to hear what they want. I would also even leave it open for up and coming bands to bring me a demo and I would play it on the air and get the public's opinion on the music.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Chapter 2

What was your first encounter with the Internet like? How did it compare with your first encounters with other mass media?
I don't really remember the first time I used the Internet. I do remember being in school and going to computer class and I was so excited. That was my favorite class. I do remember when we first got to start using the Internet. It made me feel like such a big kid because you had to be in a certain grade before the teacher would even let you click on the icon. I just loved being able to go on their and play games just like my big brother and sister would do. I wanted to be just like them. So when I started to get to use the Internet I thought I was a big kid. I couldn't wait to get on the Internet. This was a big part of my life. I always had TV and radio in my life but when it came time that I could use the Internet I just felt like a top dog. Now its a part of my everyday life, but I cant tell you what I would do without it.

What possibilities of the Internet future are you most excited about? Why? What possibilities are most troubling? Why?
The Internet improves every year. I am very much excited about these new ways to chat with people such as Skype and Oovoo. I love the fact that I can Skype with my friends who live hours away from me like its no problem. I love to be able to look at them and just have a conversation. Its totally better than talking on the phone. I love how I can get Internet on my cell phone. I can have Internet anywhere I go as long as I have service. It just makes things limitless. One disadvantage I have about the Internet is the fact that it is so addicting. I do believe younger kids are becoming to caught up with things on the Internet. In my opinion they are becoming lazy because they can do everything on the web and get any kind of information off of it. That is another dislike. Unless you have some kind of block a child or anyone can look up virtually anything they wanted to and that could become a problem for future generations.

Chapter 1

11. Using music or television as an example, identify a performer or program you once liked but grew away from as you got older and your tastes changed. Why do you think this happened? Do you think your early interests in popular music or television have had an impact on shaping your identity?
When i was younger I was in love with Aaron Carter. His songs were so catchy and he was super cute I remember anytime he was on TV I had to watch it. I owned all of his CDs. I even used to dream that one day I would meet him and he would fall madly in love with me, I know its pretty silly, but a girl can dream cant she? I guess you could say I had a little bit of an obsession. I remember he guest starred on The Lizzie McGuire Show and I recorded it so I could watch it over and over again. In the show he kisses Hilary Duff and I remember thinking that I wished I was her so I could kiss Aaron Carter. As I got older I grew away from him for one because he pretty much stopped making music and I also found myself liking a different type of music. Then all of the sudden this super cute young star just became normal to me. I no longer thought he was the hottest guy in the world. I set my sites on someone else. I believe that as I aged I started to like more mature celebrities and my music taste became more mature. To this day my celeb hottie is George Strait. I know he is old but he makes amazing music and I think he is very good looking. I think one of the main reasons I started liking George Strait is because my mom is in love with him. We were always listening to his music and watching his movie Pure Country. We even recently went to one of his concerts in Charlotte, NC. we had the best time in the world just listening to him sing. I think that my earlier interest helped to keep me "kid-like". I do enjoy listening to an Aaron Carter CD every now and then but not like I used to. To this day i still believe that I still have some kid in me because I love to just let loose and be a kid, that's probably why I have such great chemistry with younger children. My early tastes helped me to keep the kid in me so that I can just pull it out every now and then and have fun.

13. Pick and example of popular media product that you think is harmful to children. How would you make your concerns known? Should the product be removed from circulation? Why or why not? If you think the product should be banned, how would you do it?
A TV show that i personally never got into was South Park. I remember as a child I loved to watch cartoon. One day i was flipping through the channels and I came across a show that looked like it would be funny. The characters were funny-looking and said some funny stuff. But after five minutes of watching the show I decided this was not the show for me. the kids in the show were cussing and displaying violent behavior. I don't believe this show should be in circulation because any child had the chance to to watch it because they will be fooled by the cartoon aspect of the show. This show teaches children vulgar language and inappropriate behavior and the minds of the younger generation are very impressionable. I believe if children watch this show they may begin to mimic the actions of these cartoon characters and that will not be good for them. I strongly believe this show should be banned because of the misleading cartoon aspect and the inappropriate material in the show. In order to get this done I would start by writing a letter to Cartoon Network stating my opinion and asking them to remove it from their network. I would start a petition and get as many people as I could to sign it to try and get it banned from television.